"Verdensbornholmere" (or "world-bornholmers") is a network of Internationals living on Bornholm. The group communicates through the app “signal": Join the group chat by downloading the app and visiting the following link: https://tinyurl.com/bornholm-newcomer
Newcomer café 2025
Join our newcomer café the second Thursday of every month from 16:00 to 17:30 and meet other newcomers – both Danish and internationals – as well as newcomer guides David and Heidi.
9 January, 13 February, 13 March, 10 April, 8 May, 12 June, 10 July, 14 August, 11 September, 9 October, 13 November, 11 December from 16:00 – 17:30.
Address: Dams gård, Krystalgade 9, 3700 Rønne.
Newcomer guides Heidi Ruberg and David
Christensen, tilflytter@brk.dk or +56 92
10 60